
Yup. It’s finally official.  Heroes, inc. is at an end.

Believe me that no one is more sad to see it go than me.  I absolutely LOVED doing this series and had/have some wonderful places and story arcs planned for the series.  Building these characters based on the Golden Age heroes has been great.  I’ve really come to love these guys and every one of them has a story all planned out.  Starting from the Golden Age, up to the present and on into the future. Thinking of it now just makes me want to grab my wacom and get to work on it, but I know that I just CAN’T keep the updates going.  At the high point of our webcomic days, doing Heroes,inc. was a full time job.  Unfortunately, as with most webcomics, it just didn’t take off to be the commercial success I hoped it to be.  Whether that’s because readers are really just satisfied to read it online or that I could never be able to do the leg work of going to a comic con in the States where a majority of the market is… we’ll never know.

Personally I think that it has to do with the fact that, though webcomics are a great medium for getting the word out, true success stories are few because we readers don’t really need to buy those paper comics anymore.  I never wanted Heroes, inc. to come to the point where it felt like I was beating a dead horse.  I was keeping up that little flame of hope that this would all turn into an actual bread and butter job, beyond the point where it was clear that it would always just be a hobby.

It’s time to face the facts and put the project to sleep.

Who knows. Maybe one day that Heroes,inc. Noir book might look up at you from a shelf at your local comicbook store or pop up on a online store list, but until then… Thanks for sticking with me for so long.  Thanks for giving me encouragement that what I was doing was actually quality stuff.  Without you loyal readers, I never would have gotten this far.

So thank you and hopefully we meet again in the future.


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